Geoinfotech Professional Training on GIS w conducted recently in Abuja, Nigeria
This course is structured to develop participants skills from beginners to advanced level in spatial data analysis, Cartographic mapping, making maps, application of Python programming and apply SQL in database management system
Using GIS is applied in all sectors by helping you to make better decisions with geographic (location) data, know how people see the world in a different way by mapping the position and quantity of things, mapping the density of people and objects and mapping any changes that occur. GIS also allows us to find out what is happening inside a specific area or nearby to a specific area.
- Cost savings resulting from greater efficiency.
- Improved communication.
- Improved decision by government officials
- Instantaneous collaboration through the cloud (online mapping and computing)
- Layer complex data to drive improved decision making
- Improved transparency for citizen engagement
- Identify at-risk or under-served populations within a community
- Improved allocation of
The training was set to offer 2 Months course on GIS to the general public who are into the use of geospatial technology or hoping to leverage GIS, SQL Database Management, Intro to Python into their work operations.
Our professional trainers and standard training halls are equipped to enhance knowledge on all geospatial courses, this is why we have designed the tailored GIS training to support individuals and organization on how GIS/Drone technology can be used in their line of work
You will be opportune to meet other professionals and collaborate, learn how to apply GIS techniques to your field
This course will develop your skills from beginners to advanced level in spatial data analysis, Cartographic mapping, making maps, application of Python programming and apply SQL in the database management system.