1.0 Introduction
Geoinfotech Resources Limited was awarded a project to execute Drone Mapping/Survey for James Falola Family Site located at Ibogun Osungboye town, Ifo loca government area of Ogun State. The project was carried out between 13th of February, 2024 and was concluded on the 16th February, 2024 with the submission of all deliverables and technical report. This report describes in detail the works carried out.
1.1 Project Specifications
The scope of work for this project is as follows:
Reconnaissance Survey for Ground Control Points
Establishment of Ground Controls
Data Computation and Error Validation
Drone Mapping for Data Capture
Drone Deployment Photography & Processing
Drone Data Processing with Agisoft Software for Orthophotos
Vectorization/Digitization for Property Plot Delineation (Attributes, Id, Coordinates, Perimeter and Area)
Deliverables (Softcopy of Orthophotos, Drawing, Jpeg, Geotiff and PDF & Video, Photos of the entire study site)
Report to be presented using Ms Office Suite
2.0 Project Personnel and Equipment
2.1 Personnel:
The following personnel made up the project team that carried out the project
Personnel Designation | Responsibility | Name |
Project Coordinator (Drone Pilot) | Management and Coordination | Makinde Temitope |
Surveyor | Data Acquisition and GCP establishment with Tersus GNSS Receiver | Surv. Jamba-oda Yinka |
Assistant Pilot | Drone Deployment for Mapping | Shorungbe Boluwatife |
Data Analysts | Drone Data Processing, Digitization Result Presentation | Makinde Temitope, Shorungbe Boluwatife & Surv. Jamba-oda Yinka |
2.2 Equipment:
The following equipment were used in the execution of the project.
– Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)
– A Tersus GNSS Receiver and its accessories
– Black spray paints for GCPs marking
2.3 Data Processing Software & Result Presentation:
– A Digital Mapping Workstation
– Pix4D Software
– ArcGIS pro
– MS Office Suite
2.4 Logistics
All personnel were issued standard Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)
3.0 Methodology
3.1 Project Strategy
The project was carried out in two phases namely, Field Work
Office Work
3.2 Field Work Phase
The works carried out under the Field Work Phase are
– Mobilization
– Reconnaissance: Site inspection was carried out to get an over view of the extent and to take into cognizance of the existing features within the study site for proper planning for seamless data acquisition.
– Establishment of GCPs: Ground Control Points were established using spray paints.
– GCPs Data Acquisition: The instrument was operated in 3Dimensional mode i.e.
Easting, Northing and Heights coordinates were acquired in order to use these points for Geo-rectification.
– Unmanned Aerial Vehicles were deployed for mapping of the entire estate, different missions (flight plans) were created for effective aerial mapping.
3.3 Office Work Phase
The works carried out under the Office Work Phase are:
– Data Cataloguing: Acquired field data for the GCPs was downloaded from the
GNSS receiver.
– The captured imageries, photographs and videos were also downloaded from the
UAV devices.
– Data processing and Analysis: The imageries were processed using Drone
Imagery Processing Software (Pix4D).
The Imageries & Ground Control Point Coordinates were loaded into the
Pix4D software
The Imagery was aligned and geo-rectified
The DEM and Orthophotos were exported as (Geotiff)
The generated Orthophoto was imported into ArcGIS pro for extraction (digitization/vectorization) of land parcels and the site was digitized, ID, Perimeter and Area in square meters were calculated for each of the plots.
Cartographic embellishment was carried out for the digitized plots and hence the map is ready for presentation.
The map was presented to some members of the project committee
(Clients) for vetting and corrections.
– Data Presentation: the various layers were combined and due corrections were made after thorough checks. The result was then presented in softcopy and hardcopy
– Reporting
– Printing of produced layers of maps
– Submission of Deliverables
4.0 Deliverables
The deliverables for the project are in both hardcopy and softcopy and are as stated in the table below:
Type | Description |
Spatial Data | 3D data of all acquired points on site in MS Excel file format, DEM & Orthophotos |
Plan Production in Softcopy | Map showing Details & Topographical Survey, Land Parcels in PDF format |
Report | PDF and Word format |
5.0 Conclusions
The Drone Mapping and Digitization were completed and on careful analysis of the data acquired, the results of the data processing and the plans produced, we safely came to the following conclusions:
The maps produced as a result of the drone mapping and digitization is a true and realistic representation of the subject site as at the time the survey was carried out.
The mapping was carried out in full accordance with existing specifications, survey laws and regulations and in compliance with our company Quality Control.