GIS in the Security Sector
Geospatial technologies (GIS) have become synonymous with their application in all aspects of national resource management.
Geospatial information is valuable for understanding and better assessment of security program management to save lives, properties and establishments of communities for future economic stability.
For effective execution, Geographic Information System maps are essential in defence management during peacetime and wartime. Anticrime operations can efficiently be managed with geospatial data.
Geographic Information System digital maps, supplies and troop movements within the country as well as maximizing logistic operations. Air force and Navy uses Geographic Information System maps for, in time of peace and war for monitoring and movement planning.
Security monitoring applications require the support of Geographical Information System (GIS). Geographic Information System provides the means to change the spatial and time data of the security surveillance into geographic information, under Geographic Information System map elements.
Geographic Information System technology can assist police departments in determining resource allocation. Mapping technology can offer a visual representation of past criminal activities to establish where to establish an active presence.
Geographic Information System in the Security Sector
GIS in the Security Sector